If I purchase my ticket through Travel-On, but reserve a premium seat directly with the airline, do I need to tell you I’ve done so?

Great question! Yes, it is important to tell your Travel-On agent of any changes you make directly with an airline (hotel, car rental, etc.). Consider this example: At the time of John’s ticket purchase with Travel-On he is assigned 34E, the best available seat, and the agent sends the reservation to our automated seat checker to look continually for a better seat becoming available. In the meantime John contacts the airline and purchases a premium seat for a fee. Then there is a schedule change and the agent sends John an updated itinerary. Because John changed his seat on his own directly with the airline we don’t know about it and the new itinerary still shows 34E. John doesn’t notice so nothing is said. The day before departure seat 10C becomes available and our seat checker cancels John’s existing seat and assigns 10C instead – overriding the premium seat John purchased for himself. So, yes, it is very important to advise your travel agent of any changes you make to any aspect of your reservations. Or better yet, just let Travel-On do it for you!